Beautiful, yet empty

No don’t worry. I haven’t gone all emo and I’m certainly not about to write a poem about how much I hate my life evn though I’m a white middle class child who’s parents are still together and both have fantastic incomes. I’ve become slight obsessed with the beauty of these pictures…

Their abandoned, a “Futuristic Holiday park” in North Taiwan. Their beautiful, and since visiting a local mental asylum that’s been abandoned for years I’ve became intrigued by these structures as well as others. Check out more here.

Videogame Companies Of The World, Learn From This Post


You see this? This is “Super Smash Brothers Brawl” Nintendo’s latest game for the Wii. Now I love this game. It’s incredible. It’s fresh and it’s a celebration of Nintendo’s characters. I’ve had it since late April and I’ve pretty much finished it 100% but there’s something that really bugs me.


I’ve played this game before……



Pretty much the same characters, the same stages and by god is it the same gaming mechanic right down to you being able to use the Gamecube controller. This wouldn’t annoy me normally but the more I played Brawl, the more I thought of Melee. And It’s not just Smash Bros.

When I played this:


I thought of this:

Ok, so there was… Some Gameplay changed. The introduction of F.L.U.D.D. Erm. The… er.. Backflip! Yea that was new as well…


And It’s not just Mario Games! Or Nintendo Games for that matter. I know if a formula works then the developer will continue to use it but when it begins to get ridiculously apparent…


Then I begin to get quite annoyed that I’ve splashed my cash on the same game but with better graphics…


I love games, but this is stupid.



Movie’s Continued…

I’m kinda continuing from yesterdays post. Firstly, I didn’t go see “Hancock”, it’s not out until the second. So this is what happened. Me and my Girlfriend are standing in the biggest crowd of twelve year olds staring at the boards. “So what do you wanna go and see?” I say, squinting to see the times. There’s the “The Happening” and “Wanted” just as before but then we see something that makes us understand the bedlam around us. “Kung Fu panda” has just came out.

Did we go and see it? Of course we did. Did I enjoy it? Hell yea! It was one of the greatest kids movie I’ve ever seen (and I’m a massive fan of “Toy Story”, “Monsters Inc”, “The Incredibles”, “Madagascar”, “Bee Movie”, and “Shrek” to name but a few.)


Jack Black plays this hopeless panda who becomes the “Dragon Warrior” and has to learn how to fight in order to defeat the evil one. It’s just like any other Kung-Fu movie but this one, this one’s sprayed with awesomeness. It’s hilarious. It really is. It’s great because it manages to carry a very good narrative full of jokes, without becoming boring or, to put it simply, crap. 


With an all star cast featuring Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu and Jackie Chan this really isn’t a movie you want to miss. Trust me on that, I’ve been exposed to so much crap lately I should know.

Let’s all go to the lobby, Let’s all go to the lobby….

I suppose you could say I’ve been “Experimenting with cinema” as of late. And by that I would mean “I’ve been taking risks and just watching shit I wouldn’t normally watch”.

So the other day, I took risk number one…

Risk Number 1: The Last Mimzy

Oh boy… Where do I even begin with this? Tell you what I’ll sum it up. Two kids from Seattle find a Bunny/Robot thing from the future that gives them psychic powers in order to try and save a the Earth… IN THE FUTURE. Throw in some tibetan lore, a Science teachers dreams, some floating stones, a slug like “Generator” and Alice and Wonderland references and you have, “The Last Mimzy”. It was…. Strange. A slightly surreal experience. Enjoyable? Yea why not. It certainly wasn’t dire but then again it wasn’t anything groundbreaking. I enjoyed it for what it was, an ambitious take on the sci-fi genre for children. Should you watch it? Depends. If your into this kinda thing, then try it, but get ready for some bad acting, shaky narrative’s and a hell of a lot of weird.


Risk Number 2: Superhero Movie


I want to clear something up instantly  before I start. We get tickets for free, me and my girlfriend that is, until next march. Therefore, we go to the cinema quite a lot. Already we’ve been to see the quite controversial “Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the Crystal Skull”, the surprisingly quite god “What happens in Vegas”  and a repeat of  “Superbad”. Bearing in mind we’d seen “The Last Mimzy” the day before, we decided this. We would go to the cinema, and watch whatever was on because we took a risk with “The Last Mimzy” and enjoyed it. So there we were, staring at the listings and we could have went to see “The Happening”, Wanted” or “Adulthood” but for some reason we didn’t want to. We just went “You know what, I don’t wanna see any of them. Hey! That Superhero thing looks alright!”. Biggest mistake ever. Before the movie even started some chavs decided it would be funny to drop a stinkbomb and run around the room for a bit. They got thrown out, and Goddamn it I wish I had been too. This movie is diabolical. The worst thing is, it’s basically the first “Spiderman” movie re-acted out so it has a very decent narrative running throughout. I can actually sit here and say, if they kept the narrative in and just repeated it I would have enjoyed it more. At some points I was even begging for them to not ruin the scene with some crude jokes or really un-funny actions. There were some good Actors in there. Drake whatshisface from “Drake and Josh” which I hate but hey, he’s a good actor and Leslie Neilson, one of my all time favorite actors since I first saw “The Naked Gun“. As for the rest however, well look on the poster. Pamela Anderson is literally in it for a minute, the wolverine guy is in it for 30 seconds, the Storm character is in it for around 10, the Human Torch is in one scene… that’s around three minutes long and the Professor Xavier character is in bits, so overall has around ten minutes of screen time. Overall, this movie was dire. A literal waste of my time. I enjoyed around 2% of this movies content and even then it was something I’d seen before, or half arsed remarks about popular culture. All in all, It’s just “Scary Movie” with superheroes. And that’s not a good thing. Unless your twelve. 


So, today we’ve decided to go back to the cinema and see the preview of “Hancock”. Apparently it’s not too good, but I don’t believe it! I mean come on, Will Smith’s never been in anything bad!





Spore Creatures

Hopefully this can count as last nights blog. I was too busy last night, and I’ll explain why in a later post.


Anyway, here’s some of the sick creations me and my girlfriend have came up with :







Two Pac

I can’t bloody wait for this game!



Forgive Me Father, For I Have Sinned

I want a PS3. Which for me, is more hypocritical than Hitler going “Hey! Why don’t we stop killing all these people, have a nice chat and a cup of tea and just stop being twats eh?” .


It’s not that I hate Sony, my first console I ever actually received that hadn’t already been played before was a Playstation 1 and I loved it. The first games I ever played on it was Lego Rock Raiders and Speed Freaks. Two brilliant games in their own right, but I do feel slightly ashamed that I enjoyed Lego one. Even though I was seven.


I moved on to more “adult” games as I grew older, loosing myself in the frozen wastelands of Alaska with “Metal Gear Solid”, fighting the loosing battle of humanity in “Dino Crisis 2″  and most importantly, became petrified in the horrific narrative that is “Resident Evil”. Resident Evil is a series that’s stuck by me since I was small, and I’ll never forget the first time you set foot into the spencer mansion (although, after playing them again recently I was in tears. The voice acting is considerably worse than what I remembered, and I remembered it being bad… very bad) , the first time you lay eyes on the infested remains of Raccoon City and the terrifying nemesis…  But lets not forget “Metal Gear Solid”, this is the game that in my eyes, sparked the second greatest series of all time (well, almost. “Resident Evil 4” still stands as, in my opinion, the most playable game to date.)


It’s not often I crave a game, I mean I certainly want games but never crave. “Metal Gear Solid 4” however, is so packed full of nostalgia that I just… need it! Take for example, the screenshot above. In the middle there, is Meryl Silverburgh, the femme fatale that starred in “Metal Gear Solid”. Look at her! She was every seven year old boys dream when the first game came out, and seeing her rendered in high definition is just… phenomenal.


So therefore, I want a PS3. 😀


I Got Rick Rolled At Prom

So last night was my prom, and what a fantastic night it was 😀

It was pretty much the last step, but it was certainly the best. Loads of pictures, me wearing a nice suit. It was well good 😛 


The worst part of the night though, was when we had been dancing for about half an hour, when suddenly the DJ announced “Ok guys! I have a request here for Liam Richardson, I hope you all enjoy it!”. The looks on everyones faces was priceless, as Rick Astleys “Never Gonna Give You Up” came on. Ah well.


The funny thing? I didn’t even request it 😛 


On thursday the Pyro achievements were released for Team Fortress 2, and in my opinion it was certainly the best update yet. There not bloody difficult to get as the medic ones, but in my opinion the weapons seem slightly unbalanced. For example the regular flamethrower can now shoot compressed air, meaning you can send back a soilders rocket, if you so wish. Now, It does take up ammo but it’s a bit…. unbalanced for my liking.


And one of the achievements is kill someone with a taunt. How are you meant to do that? 😐


Anyway, I’ve decided to leave you with a video everyday 😛 Because videos rock. This ones related to todays post, for obvious reasons. 


Games! God the Games….

So, on Monday I decided to dig my teeth into a MMO. Oh I’ve tried before trust me on that but I decided “Well what the hell, I may as well”. 11 weeks off school and counting, I thought I may as well do something constructive. So I bought Funcom’s “Age Of Conan“, and surprisingly it rocks. I’m saying surprisingly because all reviews have just compared it to “Teh mighty WoW lol” and gave it a bad mark but personally, I think it’s the most fresh, fun and  beautiful MMO on the market. So yea, I’m addicted 😛


I’m a level 13 Cimmerian Barbarian, currently exploring the area around the pirate city of Tortage (man it feels nerdy to say that :D). I think the best thing  for me is, is that my Dad is a major Robert.E Howard fan. I mean, as I sit here I can see 72 Conan books and behind me there’s probably thousands of Conan comics. I’m saying probably, there will be. He has 11,000 comics altogether (Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, EC) and told me that he had “Every single Conan comic ever published”. I just took that as he had.


So yea! Conan. Brilliant game, in fact one of the best I’ve played. But I do have one warning for all those who want to play it. For the love of God, don’t trust can you run it?, the Internet application that analyses your computer to test how games will perform. This is what it said about me:

A lot of red… So this is what it expected me to play it like:

If you can’t see from the image the draw distance is horrible, the edges are very rough and it just generally looks rather bad.


However, upon being prompted by my girlfriend I knocked it up to high and… I could play it on extremely high… I’d post a comparison screen shot but looking at it now, you can’t really see much of a difference because of  where I am. A volcano at night 😛


So “Age Of Conan” has given me a very, very good MMO to play. But then the inevitable happened. 

You see that right there? Yea, that’s a freak of nature created by me. Spore has decided to show it’s freakish head to me this week and the devastating thing is, is that I promised I wouldn’t buy any other games this year due to the quite frankly ridiculous “Age Of Conan” subscription fees. But then again, I do have the whole summer ahead of me! So what is there to loose? 😛


Oh, and also. Team Fortress 2 updates are out today (at some point), including the fantastic new Pyro weapons and achievements, I’ll probably no doubt be commenting on them tomorrow :P. Either way, it looks like Age Of Conan may not even get played tonight 😐


I’m off down a stream now with some friends. Why a stream? Why not!


Summer Time! The Beginning Of A Blog

5 years. 5 bloody long years of school. And It’s over! That’s right. 11 weeks off. 11 weeks to do… well… nothing! So I’ve decided to start a blog. Welcome to Meevil’s Marvellous Mind. My names Liam Richardson, I’m 15 years old and live in sunny Sunderland in the United Kingdom.

That’s me, taken last christmas. So, what can i say about myself? I’ve just finished year 11 and completed my GCSE’s. I’m about to enter Sixth Form to study English Literature, English Language, Media Studies and ICT. But that’s the boring stuff. I love videogaming to the point of lust, I have a strange addiction to the band Super Furry Animals and in general just love life 😛


This blog’s gonna be a day by day diary of whatevers on my mind 😛 So expect some lengthy ass posts some days and perhaps some very short ones other days 😛 I’ll update again tonight. Until then. Peace out!