Tag Archives: kids

Movie’s Continued…

I’m kinda continuing from yesterdays post. Firstly, I didn’t go see “Hancock”, it’s not out until the second. So this is what happened. Me and my Girlfriend are standing in the biggest crowd of twelve year olds staring at the boards. “So what do you wanna go and see?” I say, squinting to see the times. There’s the “The Happening” and “Wanted” just as before but then we see something that makes us understand the bedlam around us. “Kung Fu panda” has just came out.

Did we go and see it? Of course we did. Did I enjoy it? Hell yea! It was one of the greatest kids movie I’ve ever seen (and I’m a massive fan of “Toy Story”, “Monsters Inc”, “The Incredibles”, “Madagascar”, “Bee Movie”, and “Shrek” to name but a few.)


Jack Black plays this hopeless panda who becomes the “Dragon Warrior” and has to learn how to fight in order to defeat the evil one. It’s just like any other Kung-Fu movie but this one, this one’s sprayed with awesomeness. It’s hilarious. It really is. It’s great because it manages to carry a very good narrative full of jokes, without becoming boring or, to put it simply, crap. 


With an all star cast featuring Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu and Jackie Chan this really isn’t a movie you want to miss. Trust me on that, I’ve been exposed to so much crap lately I should know.